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By March 17, 2020March 21st, 2020No Comments

Dear Knighted,

We first want to thank the many Knights out there that have volunteered to help in this time of crisis. Your selflessness and understanding is truly humbling and appreciated.  

The primary question on everyone’s mind is regarding pay during the shutdown. The absolute first step we strongly suggest is to submit for unemployment benefits as we’ve instructed. Likely, the next question is regarding what to do when that benefit is delayed or not enough to cover basic expenses. Our plan is for Knighted to step in and assist.  

We are currently awaiting additional clarification on how federal and state insurance benefits are impacted by wages received from employers; even a partial payment from employers may affect eligibility for benefits — and given the uncertainty of the duration and situation, we want to ensure the best possible long-term outcome and maximize benefits that could be available to you. We’re actively looking into ways to be able to do that and will hopefully have more answers for you by Wednesday. 

As you’re well aware, we’re in uncharted territory as a company and as a society. Our entire industry has paused operations in order to take seriously the warnings from our elected leaders and health experts around the world. Although we recognize the necessity of this decision, we all know that it’s causing great hardship for many of you, and for your loved ones. 

We want you to know that our leadership team is working around the clock to address everyone’s questions as we navigate through this unprecedented crisis. We hope you’ll have patience with our corporate team, as this is a first for all of us. 

We do want to reiterate that your next paycheck will include any hours already worked through March 12, and is on the way without interruption, with the next payday on Friday, March 20.

In the meantime, please understand that we are earnestly trying to do the following:

  • We are compiling resources that are already available in the form of unemployment. If you can take the time and effort to file for the unemployment benefits, it would be a tremendous help, as we figure out other ways we can take care of our employees. 
    • That said, some people have run into challenges navigating the process. We have put together a guide for you here, and we also are standing by to assist anyone who has difficulty with the process.
  • We are all still waiting to find out exactly what resources are coming from state and federal authorities. We are being told that there is a relief package coming from Congress, but we don’t have any official word on what it will contain. As soon as we hear, so will you.
  • We do not yet have an understanding of how long these shutdowns will be in effect, but we’re hoping this is brief. We’ll continue to stay in communication with our casino partners and monitor the situation diligently.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding. Please know that we are working around the clock to manage the situation and find ways to assist all of you.


With sincere appreciation,

Zach, Roy, and Jie